Absence from Learning

We hope that this statement will clarify the Government’s change in policy on requests for leave for pupils during term time and any actions we have been directed to take.

Children are only permitted to take leave during term time under ‘exceptional circumstances’ where parents / carers can provide evidence to demonstrate that there is no other option.

Please note: ONLY the Headteacher can authorise absence from school.

Each case will be carefully considered on an individual basis. If the holiday is deemed to be unauthorised but subsequently taken during term time, there will be no warning period given for a ‘Fixed Penalty Notice’ if the holiday period is 10 sessions or more. (NB: A school day is divided in 2 sessions – a.m. and p.m.). Fixed Penalty Notices are issued by West Sussex Local Education Authority and are not processed or arranged by the school.

We would like parents / carers to be very clear about the consequences of taking unauthorised holiday as they will receive a fine of £60.00 per parent per child.

1 Child, 5 days absence = £60 fine for each parent, even if the child only lives with one parent.

2 Children 5 days absence =£120 fine for each parent etc.....

As a school we would really encourage you not to take your children out of school during term time unless it is absolutely essential or you may incur a fine.

Please remember that the school’s aim is to continue to work positively in close partnership with all parents/carers and we truly do not wish to resort to the enforcement actions of ‘Fixed Term Penalty Notices’. If you need to discuss any of these issues further please make an appointment to see the Headteacher / Deputy Headteacher.

Thank you for your support in this matter.