Chestnut Class - Year 6

Chestnut Class Teacher is Miss Wright
Mrs O'Mara is our full time TA
Welcome to the
Chestnut Class Page
We are looking forward to welcoming you back after the summer holiday for your first term in Year 6! Our first topic will be 'Into the Light'.

In English, we will be reading the book 'Letters from the Lighthouse' by Emma Carroll.

In History, we will be learning about World War II. This unit explores how World War II began and gives the children a wider understanding of how concepts such as empire influenced Hitler and his plan to dominate Europe. The children will explore the significance of the Battle of Britain and also complete a local study, looking at a range of sources from different regions of the United Kingdom.
In Geography, we will be learning about Our Changing World. Children will discover some of the many ways in which the world around them is changing. From coastal erosion to political changes, there are many factors at work. Children will learn about the structure of the United Kingdom and how its shape and geography have changed over thousands of years. Using an online database of photographs, children can explore how landscapes change.

In Science, we will be learning about Electricity. During this unit of work, children will consolidate and extend previous learning from year 4 by constructing simple series circuits and drawing them using scientific symbols. They will conduct investigations to determine how the voltage in a circuit affects the brightness of a bulb. They will use their ‘working scientifically’ skills to plan an experiment to investigate variations in how components function and use the results to write a clear and concise conclusion. They will use the internet to research information about renewable and non-renewable energy.
In Maths this term, we will be learning about: Place Value; Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division; Fractions, Decimals and Percentages; and Converting Units.
For more information please see the topic web below. 

PE days for Chestnut Class will usually be on 
Wednesdays (with Mr Green) and on Thursdays

Autumn 1: Football (with Mr Green) and Fitness
Autumn 2: Hockey (with Mr Green) and Yoga 

Woodland Learning
On their day of Woodland Learning, the children will need to come to school dressed in their Woodland Learning clothes. Please make sure all other items are named and are in a named bag. Woodland Learning will happen in most weathers, other than high winds and thunderstorms, therefore it means the children should be prepared to be outside in all weathers and dressed appropriately. It is also useful to have a separate plastic bag for muddy clothes or boots following the sessions. 

Most of you will be aware of the clothing requirements for participation in a Woodland Learning session, but as a reminder, your child will need:
  • Jacket/waterproof coat
  • Fleece/sweatshirt
  • Waterproof trousers/trousers that can get muddy - please remember, shorts are NOT suitable
  • Spare socks
  • Wellies or boots (named and kept at school)
  • Woolly hat/sunhat (weather dependent)
  • Gloves (weather dependent)
  • Spare plastic bag for muddy kit 
Our dates for the Autumn term are:

All Wednesdays
Autumn Term 1:
11th September
25th September
9th October
23rd October 

Autumn Term 2:
13th November
27th November
11th December
If you have a query or concern, please talk to us at school drop off or pick up. You can also get in touch through the school office by emailing I am always happy to answer any questions and support your child.
Miss Wright

Each term, the children will be given a new ‘Independent Homework Grid’. In Year 6, there will be set ‘hand in’ days at the bottom which is the minimum requirement. Each task should be taken from a different row and column. The amount of time a child chooses to spend on a project is up to them. Please focus on the presentation!

Children should continue to practice their times tables at home to help them improve their weekly scores. Knowing the times tables (and their associated division facts) supports mathematical learning and understanding. 

Children should also go onto the Learning by Questions website ( and have a go at the maths unit assigned to the children. Please see more information about LbQ below.

'Into the Light' Homework Hand-in Dates:
  • Monday 30th September
  • Monday 21st October
  • Monday 18th November
  • Monday 9th December 

Each task should be taken from a different row and a different column.

Maths Independent Study

Our trial for Learning by Questions has now come to an end. While the school evaluates whether this is something we will continue with, we will be sending home a Maths homework sheet every Friday. This homework is optional but is directly linked to the learning the children have been doing during the week, making it a valuable tool for reinforcing their understanding and identifying any areas of confusion.


Each Friday, the website will be updated with that week’s homework sheet and answers. Children are welcome to mark their own work and let me know verbally how they did, or they can bring in their homework for me to review or mark if needed. The homework will consist of just one page, which may be one-sided or two-sided.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Chestnut Class Spellings 2024-2025
There will be no weekly spelling test or sentences. Instead, children will be focusing on spelling rules in school, continuing work we have been doing with Read, Write, Inc. 

Below are the statutory spellings from Year 2 up until Year 6. If your child wants to practise their spelling at home, feel free to choose some appropriate words from the lists below. 
Your child will be bringing words home that your child's teacher feels they need to practise to help them in their writing. They will not be tested on these spellings.

From the National Curriculum (2014):
'Most people read words more accurately than they spell them. The younger pupils are, the truer this is. The word-lists for years 3 and 4 and years 5 and 6 are statutory. The lists are a mixture of words pupils frequently use in their writing and those which they often misspell.'

If you have any questions about spellings, please email

To improve your weekly arithmetic, you should be practicing using MyMaths Each week, we will write an area on the front cover that we would like to improve. 
Username: loxwood
Password: square162 
If you need help finding this topic on MyMaths, please ask me. 
Here are some highly recommended books to read if you need inspiration: