Hello and welcome to the Autumn term in Rowan Class!
This term our topic will be Digging Up The Past. As a class and as historians we will be looking at the changes that happened between The Stone Age, The Bronze Age and The Iron Age.
In Science, this term, we will be looking at rocks, soils and fossils. As geologists, we will be thinking about the different types of rocks and looking at their different properties. We will also be looking at the different layers of our Earth.
In English we will be writing a non-chronological report all about Prehistoric creatures, as well as a Stone Age letter and a narrative story. We will be reading the book 'The Pebble In My Pocket: A History Of Our Earth', to help us to understand the different historical events that have happened.
In Maths we will be learning about place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division.
In Geography we will be learning about the United Kingdom and the different countries within. We will also be studying the regions and counties within England and looking at the physical and human features of the region we live in.
In Art we will be studying a variety of Stone Age art and n Design and Technology we will be making hand puppets, using sewing skills.
Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday. This term we will be doing Football, Ball Skills, Hockey and Fundamental Skills.
Our Woodland Learning dates are as follow:
Autumn Term 1
Thursday 5th September
Thursday 19th September
Thursday 3rd October
Thursday 17th October
Autumn Term 2
Thursday 7th November
Thursday 21th November
Thursday 5th December
Thursday 19th December
If you have a query or a concern, please feel free to talk to me at school pick-up, or you can get in touch via the school office by emailing messages@loxwoodschool.com and I will get back to you via a phone call or email as soon as I can. I am always happy to answer any questions or support you with any home learning.