Oak Class- Reception

Welcome to Early Years

Oak Class Page


 We are so glad you are visiting our class page to find out more about our lovely Reception class. 


My name is Mrs Donnelly and I am the Oak class teacher. We are so lucky to have Mrs Coupe who works with us every day.


This page will contain the current Topic Web which tells you what your child will be learning each half term. It will also detail your child's PE and Woodlands learning dates and remind you what your child needs for these.

Tapestry (our on-line learning journal) will be and running for all children and parents in Oak Class in the first couple of weeks of term, you will be sent an activation email when this is set up. Once it is up and running, you will be able to access school observations of your child as well as send us observations of your child's learning at home. 

If you have any questions, please catch me or Mrs Coupe at the door before or after school or 

contact me by emailing the school office: messages@loxwoodschool.com. 

We can't wait to welcome you to our Loxwood community!

Take care,

Mrs Donnelly



Woodland learning with Mrs Harder:
Oak class (Reception) will have Woodlands learning on the following dates this term:
18th April
2nd May
16th May 
6th June
20th June
4th  July 

On a Woodlands learning day, we ask that your child comes to school dressed in their Woodland Learning Kit on that day and please make sure all other items are named and are in a named bag. It is also useful to have a separate plastic bag for muddy clothes or boots following the sessions.

Your child will need to wear:

-Jacket/waterproof coat


-Waterproof trousers/trousers that can get muddy*

-Spare socks

-Wellies or boots (named and kept at school)

-Woolly hat/sunhat (weather dependent)

-Gloves (weather dependent)

-Spare plastic bag for muddy kit

*Shorts and short sleeved shirts are not suitable

Woodland Learning will happen in most weathers, other than high winds and thunderstorms therefore it means the children should be prepared to be outside in all weathers and dressed appropriately. To ensure we make the most of our time outside and are able to deepen our learning, playtime will be included in the Woodland Learning session.



Our PE day this term will now be on a Wednesday. This is because we now have a slot with our PE coach, Mr Green. Please make sure PE kits are in school every day and they are named clearly with your child's name.
Topic Webs
Below, you will find our topic web for the second half of the Summer term.
'Moving on, Journeys and Adventures'
Read, Write, Inc (RWI) is the systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) scheme that we are using at Loxwood school. Your child will begin by learning the set 1 sounds. 
 Below are the set 1, 2 and 3 speed sounds in the RWI scheme.
New Starters September 2024
We are so excited that you are going to be joining our Loxwood school community.
Please see below for important information and dates for you to take note of between now and September:
New intake information evening for parents and carers
Wednesday 19th June 2024 at 6:00pm.
You will be given your child's individual packs of information and dates at this meeting.
Loxwood school Fete 
Saturday 6th July on the school field.
Stay and play sessions:
Your child will be allocated either the 11th July or 12th July from 3:30- 4:15pm
This is a session that you stay with your child and explore their new classroom with them.
Please see below instructions on how to order your child's hot lunch via parent pay. You will receive information on how to set up your account nearer to September.
Any questions, please email messages@loxwoodschool.com