Mulberry Class - Year 5

Mulberry Class Teacher is Miss Price
Miss Chappell is our full time TA 
Welcome to the 
Mulberry Class Page
We are looking forward to welcoming you back after the Easter holiday for your last term in Year 5! Our new topic will be 'Lights! Camera! Action!'.

In English, we will be reading the book 'Wonder' by R J Palacio.

In History, we will be learning about Leisure and Entertainmentwhere children will learn about how and why football became the nation's favourite sport, the social and cultural importance of the 'Swinging Sixties', why British holiday camps emerged and how television has impacted modern life. Children will also learn about how developments in 20th century technology can make life in this century easier.

In Science, we will be learning about Living Things and their Habitats, where the  children will learn about the process of the life cycles of plants, mammals, amphibians, insects and birds. The children will explore reproduction in different plants and they will have the opportunity to take cuttings from plants, creating clones of the parent plant. Furthermore, the children will find out about Jane Goodall and her work with the now-endangered chimpanzees in Africa. They will explore metamorphosis in insects and amphibians, comparing their life cycles. As well as this, the children will be learning about Animals including Humans where they will learn about the changes that human beings experience as they develop to late adulthood.  
In Maths, we will be finishing off our decimals topic. Then we will move onto properties of shape where we will measure angles, use protractors and calculate angles on a straight line. Additionally, we will look at position and direction as well as converting units

For more information please see the topic web below. 

PE days for Mulberry Class will usually be on Mondays and
Wednesdays (with Mr Green).

Summer 1:  Athletics and Cricket
Summer 2: Rounders and Golf
Woodlands Learning
For the Summer Term, Year 5 will have Woodlands Learning on the following dates:
  • 18th April 
  • 2nd May 
  • 16th May
  • 6th June 
  • 20th June
  • 4th July
  • 18th July   
If you have a query or concern, please talk to us at school drop off or pick up. You can also get in touch through the school office by emailing I am always happy to answer any questions and support your child.
Miss Price 

Each term, the children will be given a new ‘Independent Homework Grid’. In Year 5, there will be set ‘hand in’ days at the bottom which is the minimum requirement. Each task should be taken from a different row and column. The amount of time a child chooses to spend on a project is up to them. Please focus on the presentation!

After completing times tables and arithmetic on a Friday, children should choose an area that they would like to practice at home to help them improve their score each week. 

To improve your weekly arithmetic, you should be practicing using MyMaths Each week, we will write an area on the front cover that we would like to improve. 
Username: loxwood
Password: square162 
If you need help finding this topic on MyMaths, please ask me. 
Mulberry Class Spellings 2023-2024
You will be given your spellings for half a term at a time.
  • Spellings will be tested on Tuesdays.
  • Spelling sentences (homework) are due in on Tuesdays. Please ensure these are written like Year 5 sentences using a range of punctuation and varied sentence structures. There is a prompt sheet in the front of your book to help you. 
  • Children are split into three groups: Miss Price 1Miss Price 2 and Common Exception Words
Summer 2 Test Dates: 
Week 1 -  4th June
Week 2 -  11th June 
Week 3 -  18th June
Week 4 - 25th June
Week 5 -  2nd July
Week 6 -  9th July
Scratch (Computing)
During our new Computing block, we are going to be working on Scratch Online If the children could set up their own username and password, it would be really helpful (and allow them to save their work). 
Each week, I will add the new instructions below so they can continue to practice at home.
Useful Resources