
Safeguarding at Loxwood Primary School 
Loxwood Primary School is deeply committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for everyone in our school community. It is our priority to implement consistent and effective safeguarding procedures that uphold the welfare of our children, families, and staff.

Safeguarding encompasses the actions and procedures we adopt to promote the welfare of our pupils and protect them from harm. There is no issue of greater importance to staff, governors, parents, carers, and children than the safety of our young people. We firmly believe that safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility; each individual who interacts with children and families plays a vital role.

At Loxwood Primary, we recognise that all adults, including temporary staff, volunteers, and governors, have an integral part to play in protecting children from harm. The welfare of each child is our paramount concern. We take our safeguarding responsibilities extremely seriously and are dedicated to training and empowering our staff to identify and respond effectively to any signs that a child may be at risk of significant harm. Our culture promotes an attitude of “it could happen here,” encouraging staff to raise concerns regarding any risk to a child, ensuring a vigilant and proactive approach to safeguarding.

We employ a robust safeguarding framework, which includes the prompt reporting of any cause for concern to the School Safeguarding Team, initially communicated verbally and subsequently documented in accordance with school policy. All staff members receive comprehensive child protection training upon joining, with refresher sessions provided throughout the year as deemed necessary. We are committed to maintaining open communication with parents, sharing relevant concerns as early as possible—whether they pertain to a child's emotional state, persistent lateness, or disclosures made by the child.
Who Can I Talk To?
If you have a concern about a child or a situation, please feel free to speak to any adult within the school. All concerns will be directed to our trained Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) who adhere to the "sharing of information" guidance. You can contact any of our DSLs via the school office at 01403752207 or by emailing
Should you have serious concerns regarding your child or any other pupil, please do not hesitate to reach out to our DSLs for expert advice and assistance while maintaining confidentiality.
Regular attendance at school is crucial to a child's academic success and overall development. All instances of lateness and absence are meticulously recorded, with reasons sought for any non-attendance.
Should your child be unwell, please notify the school by phone or email at the earliest opportunity, and continue to do so for subsequent days if necessary.
We kindly ask parents to schedule medical appointments outside of school hours or during holidays. If this is not feasible, a 'withdrawal from learning' form must be completed, and prior permission obtained. Attendance is closely monitored, and any concerns will be communicated promptly.
Persistent attendance issues may result in a referral to the Education Welfare Officer, and authorised leave from school is granted only in exceptional circumstances.

Keeping Children Safe Online

In today’s digital age, ensuring the safety of our children online is of paramount importance. At Loxwood, we are committed to supporting our pupils in navigating the internet responsibly, fostering their understanding of safe practices both within the school environment and beyond.

We provide comprehensive guidance to our pupils on how to showcase their digital literacy while adherently protecting themselves from potential online threats. We firmly believe in the importance of age-appropriate content, and as such, all games and DVDs utilised within the school premises are rated as Universal (U). For additional resources — including clips from PG-rated films in Key Stage 2 — parental permission is always sought prior to use.

In accordance with legal guidelines, we also enforce strict policies regarding social media. Children within primary school age are not permitted to use platforms such as Facebook during school hours. We encourage our parent and carer community to refrain from mentioning the school, staff, or other pupils on any social media sites, as well as from sharing photographs from school events.

Further advice for parents about keeping pupils safe online, see links below.

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Advice on Bullying

At Loxwood, we are committed to fostering an environment where children feel safe, calm, and happy, enabling them to effectively self-regulate their emotions. Our therapeutic approach to managing behaviour is rooted in the belief that children learn best under these conditions. We value pro-social behaviour and ensure that all staff work collaboratively to support this ethos.

Our anti-bullying policy is underpinned by the principles of Therapeutic Thinking, which is endorsed by West Sussex County Council. Integral to this policy is our dedicated behaviour curriculum, where children are taught to differentiate between valued and detrimental behaviours. This curriculum emphasises understanding the repetitive nature of bullying, distinguishing between difficult and dangerous behaviour.

As a TELLING school, we encourage a culture of openness whereby any individual aware of bullying is expected to report it to the staff. Bullying in any form is entirely unacceptable within our school community and will not be tolerated. We take all reported incidents seriously, ensuring that responses are prompt and effective, in line with our anti-bullying policy.

We recognise that parents play a crucial role in this dialogue. If you have concerns regarding your child, whether related to bullying or being bullied, we urge you to contact their class teacher to facilitate timely and appropriate intervention. For further clarity, please refer to the flowchart provided. Together, we can uphold a positive and safe learning environment for all our students.

Here at Loxwood, we take any allegations of bullying very seriously.  We teach our children about bullying through our Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Emotional (PSHCE) Curriulum, our Relationships and Health Education (RHE) Curriculum and assemblies.

Definition of Bullying:
Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.
We have a team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who have been trained as part of The Diana Award.  Take a look at their role in more detail on our website
Below are some resources for parents and carers that help with understanding what bullying is and what you can do to support your child at home.
For more information, please see our Anti-Bullying policy on the 'Policies' page of the website.