Wellbeing Ambassadors

At Loxwood, we have a school environment where everyone feels valued and respected.


In February 2023, we introduced a team of pupil Wellbeing Ambassadors to support the school. These children (in Years 2-6) are chosen by their teachers to represent our core value of kindness and for their ability to spread positivity. Good mental health and wellbeing helps our children to learn effectively, cope with day-to-day challenges and develop into resilient young adults.


The Wellbeing Ambassadors work with Mrs Swann, our Learning Mentor, to understand how to help the children and staff around the school to feel their best.


You can spot them in school wearing their Wellbeing Ambassador badges.


We are starting our 2024-25 school year by thinking about our hopes and dreams.  Every child in the school will be creating a leaf or flower. We will then put them together to make a huge tree for our hall display. 


Our Wellbeing Ambassadors will be an integral part of this project, taking the lead and helping everyone to believe they can reach the sky!

"May our strong roots hold you while you reach for the sky!"
Our Wellbeing Ambassadors finished work on our Wellbeing Garden in July 2024.
This term (Autumn 2024), we will be concentrating on maintaining and looking after this space.  We will also be planting some bulbs to add some spring colour in the garden for next year.
We have become a member of the RHS Campaign for School Gardening and aim to make a start on earning the five School Gardening Awards for our school.

Our Wellbeing Ambassadors are continuing to work on the ways they can help improve the wellbeing of everyone around us.  Here are some of their ideas:

  • Buddy bench
  • Music
  • Wellbeing garden
  • Looking out for people, checking they are safe and happy
  • Sending positive messages to others or giving compliments
  • Smiling and saying thank you
  • Mindfulness activities
  • Random acts of kindness
  • Assemblies
  • The Story Club 

We meet once a month to discuss our ideas, to be creative and to see how things are going.


What is the role of a Wellbeing Ambassador?

  • To be a positive role model
  • To promote happiness and peace in our school
  • To help our children to feel safe
  • To welcome new children and staff to our community
  • To be kind and caring towards others
  • To support those who may feel lonely or upset
  • To follow and promote our school values
  • To attend regular meetings with Mrs Swann

What are the aims of the Wellbeing Ambassadors?

  • To develop a positive mindset across the school to improve the mental resilience of our community
  • To reduce the risk factors that may affect wellbeing

The Ambassadors will be focusing on the 5 Ways to Wellbeing (researched and developed by the New Economics Foundation) and linking these to Loxwood’s 5 School Values:

  • Connect - Social relationships are critical for promoting wellbeing and cohesiveness
  • Be active - Regular physical activity is associated with higher rates of wellbeing across all age groups 
  • Take notice - Taking time to enjoy the moment and the environment around you directly enhances your wellbeing 
  • Keep learning - Continued learning through life enhances self-esteem and encourages higher levels of wellbeing 
  • Give - Individuals who show a greater interest in helping others are more likely to regard themselves as happy