Sycamore Class - Year 4

Sycamore class teacher is Mrs Oldfield and our TA is Mrs Mayne.

Hello and welcome to the Summer term! This term our topic will be the weird and wondeful world of plants. In English we will be using the book 'The Tin Forest' by Helen Ward to inspire our writing of: diaries, newspapers and persuasive leaflets. We also be reading 'The Lost Spells' by Robrt McFarlane to inspire our poetry. In Maths we will be learning decimals, time, shape, data and position and direction. In Science our topic is plants, we will be finding out how they grow, the parts of a plant, pollination and evolution of plants.

We will also be learning about our biggest plants: trees. In History we will discovering all about the Anglo-Saxons and the Scots in Britain after the Romans. In Geography we will be learning about maps and coordinates.

We will be studying Flowers and Plants in Art and making sculptures and prints and in DT we will hopefully be designing and making minature garden sheds.


 PE days are Wednesday and Thursday.  Our P.E. this term is Athletics, Cricket, Tennis and Rounders.


  If you have a query or concern, please talk to me at school pick-up, or preferably you can get in touch via the school office by emailing and I will get back to you via a phone call or email as soon as I can. I am always happy to answer any questions or support you with any home learning.

Below are the links to your new Topic Web and your new Homework Grid.
Here are your termly spellings with all the weeks listed. Please make sure you are using the correct group spellings.
This terms spellings are also in Spelling Frame by week.
Accelerated Reader: please find below all you need to know about Accelerated Reader, if you haven't got the information from last year.