Prospective Parents

Prospective Parents


Welcome to our school.  If you are thinking of sending your child to our school, then please use the information below to help navigate you to the right place and please contact us to arrange a visit too, at or on 01403 752207. 


All admissions to our school are managed through the Pupils Admissions Team at West Sussex County Council.  You can contact them directly via email at or via phone on 03330 142903. 


Applying for a place in Reception 2025 at Loxwood Primary School:

In the Autumn term, prior to the year your child is due to start school, you will receive information from West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to apply for a place at your local catchment school.  Please visit for more information regarding this.  All school places are administered via an online application. If you do not have access to the internet, our School Office can assist you with filling in the form online.  The form must be returned to WSCC by the 15th January 2025.

It is extremely important that you apply for a school place online.  If you don't apply you may not get a school of your choice. It is always recommended, that you put down three choices of schools that you would like your child to potentially go to.

You will receive notification directly from WSCC informing you which school your child has a place at in April 2024.   


New Reception Starters September 2025

Come for a tour of our school, meet with the staff and find out all about the exciting learning taking place at our school.

All our tours start at 1.30pm on the following dates:

Wednesday 18th September

Wednesday 2nd October

Wednesday 13 November

Wednesday 4th December

Wednesday 8th January 

Please book your tour through the school office

Phone:  01403 752207  Email:


Applying for a place if you live in Surrey:

If you live in Surrey, but would like a place at our school, you can apply for our school via the online application with Surrey Admissions.  Just add us in as your first choice.  If you do have any problems, please contact Surrey School Admissions Teams directly on 03002 001004.  Their Admissions line is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.


Applying for a place in any year group mid year:

If you wish to apply for a place at Loxwood Primary school from another primary school, you will need to contact the Admissions Team at WSCC.  Please follow this link to the WSCC website for more information on applying for a school place or contact them directly via email at or via phone on 03330 142903. 


At the same time as doing this, we would love you to come and visit our school to see for yourself how fantastic we are.  Please do this via our school office at or 01403 752207. 


Please also follow the link to our Admissions page for more details regarding getting a place at our school.