Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and Inclusion:


Inclusion at Loxwood School


Here at Loxwood, we aim for all of our children to become successful life long learners through an inclusive, purposeful and exciting curriculum that enables children to learn in a safe, meaningful and fun environment. Understanding and really knowing every single child in our school, their likes and dislikes, their personalities and how they learn is at the heart of our school ethos and enables children to feel safe, valued and happy.  We work in partnership with parents and carers to ensure children get the right support when it is needed.



There are times in all of our lives when we may require help or support from others and this is the same for children. This support may be a short term barrier to learning, or a more complex long term barrier.  Within the school, we have a range of expertise across our teaching and support staff. This includes reading, writing, phonics and maths interventions, dyslexic aware strategies and emotional well-being provision. We continually attend training to develop our skills in understanding, identifying and providing the correct support for all children.


We have multi-agency team approach within West Sussex and have contacts and access to a wide range of services if we require additional support from specialists; for example the Speech and Language Team and Educational Psychologist.


Our aim is that all children recognised by school staff, parents or other agencies as requiring additional provision will access further support through WSCC Special Education Needs and Disability procedures and, if necessary, through Statutory Assessment in line with the DfE (Department for Education).


Please see our SEND Information Report and Local Offer and SEND Policy for more information.  Please also use the links below for more information relating to SEND provision.


What to do if I am worried about my child’s learning?

In the first instance, speak directly to your child’s class teacher.  They are happy to discuss any concerns you might have.  Quite often, concerns can be supported quickly either through direct teaching or a small targeted intervention.  The class teacher may need to speak to our Special Needs Co-ordinator (currently Miss Dowley) for further advice and support.  We will always work with you to ensure your child is supported in their learning.



In 2012, the government launched Pupil Premium funding.  It recognised that some children do not have the same access of opportunities that other children may have due to economic reasons.  For every child in receipt of Pupil Premium, the school receives an extra £1320 in funding. We want every child at our school to succeed no matter what their background and so we use the Pupil Premium funding to enable all children to access learning opportunities across the school.  This may be to pay for trips or extra-curricular clubs or for small group interventions to target specific support. 


We do urge all parents and carers to check whether they may be eligible even if they do not want their child to have free school meals each day.  To qualify for Pupil Premium/Free School Meals Entitlement, parents/carers must be in receipt of either:


  •          Income Support
  •          Income Based Job Seeker’s Allowance (IBJSA)
  •          Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  •          Child Tax Credit, provided that their annual income is less than £16,190 (as assessed by HMRC) and they are not in receipt of Working Tax Credit.
  •          The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit.
  •          Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  •          Universal Credit


If you would like to complete a form to enquire if you are entitled to free school meals and other benefits, please download and complete the application form below to apply at  Or complete the form below or pop in to the office for a copy.  The application process is quick and is kept strictly confidential. Please speak to the school office or Miss Dowley if you require further information.


If your child is entitled to Pupil Premium, please contact the office as we can help with uniform, trips, clubs and activities.


For more information on how we use the Pupil Premium funding, please follow the link to our Pupil Premium page or see below for our reports.



Our demographic at Loxwood is changing and we have more children joining our school who have English as an Additional Language.  We believe in making all teaching inclusive, so we use a very visual and pictorial approach that supports children with additional needs such as EAL.  All classes use a visual timetable to show what is happening during the day.  We use a pictorial system called Communication in Print that uses a picture alongside the word to promote understanding – this is used to label everyday items or as cards a child can use to communicate their needs such as toilet.  Each class has an additional adult who can support children with EAL during the day.


We work closely with WSCC EMTAS team who support children with EAL as well as Gypsy, Romany Traveller children (GRT). 


Wheelchair access to the school is available via the main entrance and we also have a temporary ramp.  Please phone ahead or email so we can ensure easy access to our school.
01403 752207 or
I am Miss Price and I am the SENDCo here at Loxwood.  If you have any concerns about your child and want to discuss these with me, please contact me on 01403 752207 or email